Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Office blues.........

...I hate to do code and doc reviews...makes me feel miserable...n guilty...
...cause i always face the dilemma of choosing between the two....

boredom Vs conscience ( not to overlook!!)...

a boredom..that almost kills you....
{{i can fry and eat my brains!!}}
....and a boredom that keeps your conscience alive!!!
{{hmm..i shud do it well }}
a conscience ..that makes u feel miserable....
{{ why am i doing this?? this is lunacy!!}}
...and a conscience...that makes u feel guilty
{{c'mmon i get paid for it..ouch!! something atleast.. }}

and while writing this post...i am still in the thick of it!!!... ;-)

{{just overlooked the conscience for some well deserved break!! :D }}


Unknown said...

sahi hai :)

stkl said...

.....why does your blog post sound so much like the voices in my head..??

etherealspace said...

hehe...simon...i always look up to u when it comes to reviews...whether official documents or this blog...:p...